Додаток:Словник європейської інтеграції
Зовнішній вигляд
[ред.]- Abstention, constructive (positive abstention)
- Accession criteria (Copenhagen criteria)
- Accession negotiations
- Accession of new Member States to the European Union
- Accession partnership
- Animal welfare
- Antitrust control
- Area of freedom, security and justice
- Article 71 Committee (Title V of the TFEU)
- Assent procedure
- Audiovisual
[ред.]- COREU (CORespondance EUropéenne)
- Candidate countries
- Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Citizenship of the Union
- Citizens' initiative
- Civil society organisation
- Classification of expenditure
- Codecision procedure
- Collective defence
- Comitology
- Committee of the Regions
- Committees and working parties
- Common agricultural policy (CAP)
- Common commercial policy
- Common fisheries policy
- Common foreign and security policy (CFSP)
- Common organisation of agricultural markets (COM)
- Common transport policy
- Community
- Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
- Community and intergovernmental methods
- Community law
- Community legal instruments
- Community patent
- Community powers
- Competition
- Competitiveness
- Composition of the European Commission
- Concentric circles
- Conciliation Committee
- Confirmation of the European Commission
- Consolidation of legislation - formal/official
- Consolidation of legislation - informal/declaratory
- Consultation procedure
- Consumer protection
- Convergence criteria
- Coreper
- Council of the European Union
- Court
- Court of Auditors
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- Culture
- Customs union
- EU action (CFSP)
- EU position (CFSP)
- Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
- Economic policy
- Economic, social and territorial cohesion
- Education
- Employment
- Employment Committee
- Energy
- Enhanced cooperation
- Enlargement
- Enterprise policy
- Environment
- Environmental liability
- Equal opportunities
- Equal treatment for men and women
- Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Eurojust
- Europe 'à la carte'
- European Central Bank (ECB)
- European Commission
- European Company
- European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
- European Council
- European Development Fund
- European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- European Employment Strategy (EES)
- European External Action Service
- European Investment Bank (EIB)
- European Judicial Network in criminal matters (EJN)
- European Parliament
- European Research Area (ERA)
- European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)
- European Union
- European Union agencies
- European arrest warrant
- European institutions
- European political parties
- European security and defence identity
- Europol (European Police Office)
- Excessive deficit procedure
- Fight against drugs
- Fight against fraud
- Fight against organised crime
- Fight against racism and xenophobia
- Fight against terrorism
- Financial perspective
- Food safety
- Free movement of persons (visas, asylum, immigration and other policies)
- Galileo
- General-interest services
- Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
- Globalisation of the economy
- Governance
- Green Paper
- Hard core
- Hierarchy of Community acts (hierarchy of norms)
- High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
- Human rights
- Humanitarian aid
- Information Society
- Institutional balance
- Intellectual property
- Intergovernmental Conference (IGC)
- Ioannina compromise
- i2010
- 'Multi-speed' Europe
- Measures to combat money laundering
- Mergers
- Monetary policy
- Monitoring the application of Community law
- 'New-look' NATO
- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
- National parliaments
- Natura 2000
- Neighbourhood Policy
- Non-discrimination (the principle of)
- OLAF (European Anti-fraud Office)
- Ombudsman
- Open method of coordination
- Opting out
- Outermost regions
- Own resources
- Parliamentary committees
- Petersberg tasks
- Petitions
- Pillars of the European Union
- Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
- Political and Security Committee (PSC)
- Pre-accession assistance
- Pre-accession strategy
- Precautionary Principle
- Presidency of the Council of the European Union
- President of the European Commission
- President of the European Council
- Proportionality principle
- Public health
- Public procurement
- Public service
- REACH (regulatory framework for chemicals)
- Recasting of legislation
- Reinforced qualified majority
- Research and development
- Revision of the Treaties
- Right of initiative
- Rural development
- Schengen (Agreement and Convention)
- Screening
- Services of general economic interest
- Simplification of legislation
- Single institutional framework
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Social Policy Agreement
- Social dialogue
- Social partners
- Social policy
- Solidarity clause
- Stabilisation and Association Process
- Stability and Growth Pact
- State aid
- Statute for Members of the European Parliament
- Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund
- Subsidiarity
- Subsidiary powers
- Suspension clause
- Sustainable development
[ред.]- TAIEX (Technical Assistance Information Exchange)
- Tax harmonisation
- Taxation
- Telecommunications or Electronic communications
- Television without frontiers
- The European Union's external responsibilities
- Trans-European Networks (TEN)
- Transparency (access to documents)
- Transparency of Council proceedings
- Treaties
- Treaty of Amsterdam
- Treaty of Nice