Зовнішній вигляд
[ред.]Морфосинтаксичні ознаки
[ред.]Семантичні властивості
[ред.]- здебільшого. ◆ She was to be their chosen visitor, she was to be for weeks under the same roof with the person whose society she mostly prized! 1817, Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
- переважно. ◆ They're mostly good people, although they have made a few mistakes.
- головним чином. ◆ Local government authorities used declining coal demand during the economic crisis to buy up or bankrupt smaller, mostly private mines (state-owned mines are often much larger).
- звичайно. ◆ немає прикладів застосування.
[ред.]- generally, mainly, above all, almost entirely, as a rule, chiefly, customarily, essentially, for the most part, frequently, in many instances, largely, many times, most often, often, on the whole, overall, particularly, predominantly, primarily, principally, regularly, usually, generally.
- more often than not, by and large, most of the time.
[ред.]Усталені словосполучення, фразеологізми
[ред.]Споріднені слова
[ред.]- зменшено-пестливі форми:
- іменники:
- прикметники:
- дієслова:
- прислівники:
[ред.]Від ??